Friday, November 27, 2009


you graze my neck with your stubble
your green eyes burn me with passion
bashfully l look away
cheekily you kiss my nose
l open my eyes with surprise
l know you want more
you rub your lips against my chin
a moan escapes from my mouth
quickly you catch it with your tongue
coyly l turn away
so you push me
angrily just to turn and smell my hair
to run kisses down the nape of my neck
soon i begin to shiver to yearn for more

Verse by Ravprinderya
Image by Beetle

Monday, November 23, 2009

Making love

l feel you, oh to explain
words have no presence
l want you only you,
is that such a sin -
- fidelity?
my lips feel yours
l feel your body grow
on me in me moving
to and fro
my flesh livens up
when you are near
my loins moisten
to engulf you
you contain me
so quick and strong
like a man his woman
Verse: ravprinderya Image:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not to lose

Verse by Ravprinderya

don't see a future....for me...
wish i was dead...
i am dead without.him.
just breathing in n out is not having a life...
am cursed....that's how it is....
i hope this feeling passes...
it has to somehow...
i can't let the cycle repeat...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A life of beauty...1

A life of beauty
borne smoothly
with grace
and sensuality
gathers lustre
to shine
and then
inevitably life
begins to
wear it down,
with all gaze,
and deification.
I have carried that burden
for too long
and now want to

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yet again

(Last night I wrote this poem on this work by Kalugin, though on this blog it has already been featured. But I couldn't help it. It's one of my favourites for its languorous tone.)

I am ready to give all of me
I have given up all that was not me -
the dead weight of what is expected of me
from centuries and generations.
I hear only the yearning that
pulsates under the soft flesh
I feel only the spirit that
throbs in my veins
I immerse in the warmth
of the fire that burns in
my whole being.
I wait to merge in the
truth of beauty
and lose myself in

Monday, October 19, 2009

Life is not to lay waste..

When fullness is surrounded
by so much
that carries
the signs of glory
and the scars of the gory past,
I know my fate:
Life is not to lay waste
But to offer fullness to whoever
Can fill the emptiness.

image: Walo Thoenen
verse: Colin Lascale

After you are gone...

It's getting dark out there;
a few minutes back
there was bright light.
It's cold and lonely,
Dark and deserted.
it wasn't like that before.
With you was my whole world.
Things change, they say,
for the better.
Well, it has been one blow after another.
Storms raged, trees fell
poles uprooted and lines snapped.
Walls crumble, houses collapse.
I am looking for you -
A groan here, a glimpse there….
get up we will
together or by ourselves
and start all over again.
That's what
I am certain of -
you will be there even after you are gone.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Image by Photon
Verse by Ravprinderya

the ghosts of our past keep haunting me
I wonder if they haunt you as they do me
you seek me everywhere exactly like l wish
all of a sudden you corner me to kiss me
grab from behind and cover every tiny grain
i feel your warmth and smell your fragrance
engulfed by its grip and heady concoction
you take me as always hard and deep
l can hardly breathe forget to think even
what you have in control is a mysterious me
of whom I have no inclination or identity
all you have given me is unwanted cruelty
then why must you steal my tenderness
ls it to mask your innate need of me?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Image by Vladimir Arkhipov
Verse by Ravprinderya
so many times l scream please let me go
but you never do all you do is vanish still
always then to appear when l am all alone
to pull out what is mine and maybe yours
at times you seek me at places never seen
you sense me and find me like a predator
l feel spellbound,powerless and possessed
you feed your hunger as if a monstrosity
l relent mutely when do l have any say
you plunder and wound me in your quest
seldom do l get to respond to your jest
how long will it remain so is what l plead

Friday, August 28, 2009

To open up totally

To open up totally
is to give up all me and mine
my body of baggage,
my peaks of joy and
my valleys of secret;
to open up totally
is to wait for the clouds to clothe you
flowers to fill you with fragrance
the light to lift you
and the stars to steal you.
Verse: Aliashesh


Do not count my wealth in dollars, gems and jewels
What I received from the sun, the sands, the sea
and the hills, the hurricanes, the heat and the dust;
I took it to the heart of hearts
and everything - the hurts, the aches, the warmth, the hugs-
melted and gathered in the clear morning dew.
Do not count my wealth, for it is yours to share.
Verse by Aliashesh
Image by Anatoliy Kalugin

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I haven't seen you,
but I have seen into you.
I haven't met you,
but I have met with you.
You are the essence
the soul
the pinnacle
of womanhood -
strong and vulnerable,
beauty and flesh,
compassion and generosity
of every turn and twist of
your lovely body
the never-ending torture of
your limitless passion.
The only way
to live is
away from you
yet never far -
in words, lines
sketches and images.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I saw you...

Image - Emmanuelle Beart in "La Belle Noiseuse"
Verse by Colin Lascale
I saw you
and saw in you
the spark missing from my life.
I touched you
and you turned and turned to show your entire universe
of love, pain, hurt and hope.
I asked you
and you gave and gave profusely
of your creativity and confusion.
I joined
and joined my imagination
to your expression
and love took wings
to skies untouched
to lands unknown
to spirits unseen
into a bliss of its own.

..for the Bell to toll...

Image by Iksodas, Model - Lela Rae
As I wait for the bell to toll
I reminisce all through my life
I dance to and fro
as never ever before
I sit at the pedestal of Death
no matter how hard I pray
it will happen, come what may
I had spoken never in jest
-take my life if that's best
ultimately that did happen
you asked for my life in a way
tough to balance myself in two boats
standing still on dancing moats
one means life the other death
but why for me its the last breath
Verse by Ravprinderya

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fate it is...

Verse by Syn Onym

Fate it is that I am
where there is place
for two.
And I long for you to be here
next to me,
to snuggle up
close to you
to close you inside
and then I won't be
but one with you,
beating to the same
rhythm of life.
Still I am and you are
where you are
Now I am one
with you inside my being.
And fate it is
that we are alone
in our worlds.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who is she?

Verse by Ravprinderya
While sitting near the puddle of tears
I peer in and see
a beauty staring back at me
Who is she? Do I know her?
a dimpled cheek with cupid lips
candidly she winks at me!
I look around in amazement
Do I really know her within or without?
No doubt I have seen her somewhere
prancing over trees and soaking in the stream
her nubile laughter rings in my ears
Miserably I try moving away
so she twinkles her waif eyes
and shyly waves at me
she is but a distant memory
unknowingly she visits me
quite like a tresspassing malady!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Image: Inese Kalva
Verse: Ravprinderya
I walk down the same path time and time again
the lone pebbled path as if i am lost
i dont want to walk down but do it all the same
my person keeps changing - a daughter, a mother, a sister,a friend but never a lover
no one seeks me that way
i walk fast most times
and trip many too
the grazing and bruises soon heal
i brush the dust and leaves off my hair
how come i get lost everytime
i wonder and giggle
how silly of me!!i know it well like the back of my hand
but i dont know whats on the inside the lines on my palm
those lines i would like to tread
but the moment i reach them they fade away and i m lost again

Friday, July 3, 2009

Delete, he says

Image by Haim Zaslavsky (
he says delete me from your memories
i say how to do that because they hurt
he says it is very simple just press the button
i say how to do that it is tough to find it
he says search find and delete
i say please help me to do it
he says ofcourse i will help you
i say it is so basic and simple
he says yes it will be for you too
i say if it is why are you asking me ?
he says nothing but wants me to proceed
i say ofcourse anything for you
he says do it fast and clean
i say i cannot do it i am not made that way
i guess he has not more to say!!
Verse by Ravprinderya

Saturday, June 27, 2009


image by
pain is all that i have
pain is all that i keep
pain is all within me
nothing but pain
is all i feel
it will numb me
slowly and painlessly
once it engulfs
it will overpower
my senses and sensibility
i keep whirling about in this
maze called life
i am but mummified
more or less sodomized
i know i dont deserve it
yet i get it
all i do is relish and bask in it
maybe when i enjoy it
it will go away
the moment i do live my life
my pain stops me from living

verse by ravprinderya

It's the flesh


It's been a long struggle
to accept me in my body
shorn of shame and guilt
to grace its beauty
to feel the throbbing of each cell.
I did not sense it until,
you caressed them into existence.
I learnt to celebrate
the demands they placed on me.
The flesh elevated me to reach
my soul, how could I neglect it?
When desire wakes up inside
I let it flow through my veins
and through my loins.
And I wait to see if
uniting with you
will touch my soul
and leap beyond
and I know the wait
is futile, for
in longing for you
deep inside me
I have lost myself.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Love grows

Why I love you so I really do not know that's what keeps me going
but I am not alone as you are flowing
love grows when reciprocated you couldn't care less
i can feel you deep inside filling me up like a sea in high tide am waiting forever my darling
your sight is the only bling dressing me up
everyday and I wear it with pride!!
Verse by Ravprinderya, Image by J Andrieu, Model - Krystyna

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What if...

What if I were gone
for ever
would you come to know?
What if we were to meet
in the world beyond
one day
would you recognise me?
What if you were to know
how much I loved
would you give me a hug?
Verse by Priya Don Gre

Thursday, June 11, 2009

In the line of living

The fire burns in me
since eternity
and you joined to
quench it;
never realised
how it shaped
my loins. And
it burns again
but you ....
are now far away, yet
stuck inside
my womb.
Be born to
Verse by Colin Lascale


My friend ravprinderya has sent a very romantic poem to which I have added this fine art nude photograph, which I like for three reasons: the play of morning light that makes for a luminous breast, the model's expression which says that no one dare deny me my light and the third is the soft expanse of the model's hips. Enough of the photoart, let's turn to the poem.....

a gentle pat on a the brush of a branch
a light kiss on the a petal of a rose
a hug or tight a gust from a cool breeze
a deep gaze into ones the view from a cliff
a waft of your a bright rainbow on the hill
a hold on the a movement of a wave
a quick kiss on the a river in the rain
all is the natures gift to be admired
never to be pain searing pain
felt when you love and be never before

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why do you....

why do you keep doing this to me
this continuous torture
you just kept kissing me
since morn I feel you
all over please have some mercy
why do you always disappear
I keep simmering n seething
to feel you inside me
I keep wanting you and your pain
Come, baby, come
and give me release.

Monday, June 8, 2009

An empty slate

An empty slate..........a clear canvas
an empty goblet............a spotless beach

my life a canvas.....bereft of colour and shape...

what's not in reality...can never be...just be....not what’s to be

and I am but a mere speck in the infinite grains of sand

[This poem is one I specially requested my friend, Priya Don Gre, to offer for this feature. I have taken liberty with editing the long poem she wrote out of deep pain. I have really no right to do anything with it. But this space has limitations and I hope PD will excuse me for it. It's beautiful poetry which makes the seething pain so palpable.]

The visual is credited to J Andrieu. Model: Sophie,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

At Peace

At peace with oneself
Amid the solid remnants of
What once blazed hot
from the deepest core of your being.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Sculpt the desires of your mind

Drape them in droplets of joy

Let light find its own path

and time freeze into stillness.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Open yourself

Open yourself

The whole world is yours

Offer yourself

The whole beauty is yours.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Be Vast

Be vast
welcome waves
wash the past
seed the dreams
push the limits

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Become Free

Nature calls out
Go to the sun, the sands and the skies
Celebrate with the waves and the clouds
Float free if you will

Go Beyond

Leave comfort
Venture out
Drop pretence
Rip off masks
Step out of your self.


Welcome to the Nu Poetry blog! The idea for this kind of graphic poetry came from a friend who asked me to compose verses for a photobook. The demand was promptly met by me and my work was appreciated by the friend. However the photobook never came out. That was expected given the slender condition of the friend's finances. In that problem lay this opportunity.

Another unknown admirer of my fine art app blog has egged me on to write more verse. It's a wonderful thing to receive compliments and when they are expressed with great love, the effect on me is a soaring of spirits into the clouds.

I have therefore decided to launch this one and see how far it goes. You are welcome to send your contributions to me on and I would try to publish them on this blog.

Now the nupoetry in the URL could be interpreted as New Poetry or Nude Poetry depending on your tastes. All the visuals I choose are of fine art nudes. They convey the meaning graphically to me and I suppose to you as well. So here we go!