Friday, July 10, 2009


Image: Inese Kalva
Verse: Ravprinderya
I walk down the same path time and time again
the lone pebbled path as if i am lost
i dont want to walk down but do it all the same
my person keeps changing - a daughter, a mother, a sister,a friend but never a lover
no one seeks me that way
i walk fast most times
and trip many too
the grazing and bruises soon heal
i brush the dust and leaves off my hair
how come i get lost everytime
i wonder and giggle
how silly of me!!i know it well like the back of my hand
but i dont know whats on the inside the lines on my palm
those lines i would like to tread
but the moment i reach them they fade away and i m lost again


  1. its me.....walkin down that path!!!....
    i want to further Colin, my friend u r BRILLIANT!!

  2. Go ahead and go on. We must go on.
