Thursday, July 23, 2009

..for the Bell to toll...

Image by Iksodas, Model - Lela Rae
As I wait for the bell to toll
I reminisce all through my life
I dance to and fro
as never ever before
I sit at the pedestal of Death
no matter how hard I pray
it will happen, come what may
I had spoken never in jest
-take my life if that's best
ultimately that did happen
you asked for my life in a way
tough to balance myself in two boats
standing still on dancing moats
one means life the other death
but why for me its the last breath
Verse by Ravprinderya


  1. Will the poet throw some light on the image and metaphor of dancing moats?

  2. ofcourse..its like a test of time, call it fate,when you are unsure that whether the next turn in life will be your last or will it lead you to your salvation.The dancing moats are two chosen conditions in life where I have to stay,as I have no escape from one, the other comes on its own..umwanted but omnipresent!!
