Thursday, December 29, 2016


It's the time of life
when trees grow
larger than life.
Light thickens
as it descends
into the depths of water.
Every cell in the flesh
comes alive
with throbbing
to unite.
Before passions
can take the throne
the spirits lift 
the veil that cover
the pure gold of 

Monday, December 26, 2016


In the dark forest of desires
I put my foot
but knowing well
I wanted to be
To me it is no sin
to be asking
for fulfilment
of carnality.
If my flesh is
on fire
I want to be
consumed by it
not wanting
wanton destruction
around me.
May the forest flourish
in its dark glory.

Friday, December 23, 2016


They kept boiling 
for lengths of time
inside me
and I couldn't
put my finger on it.
My insides were
bubbling and then
they screamed
and wanted to
step out and take
the world in their arms
not knowing what lay ahead.
Then you stepped up
and we went on a swing
touching skies
and diving deep into
the ocean's treasure
and I was lost
in the explosion of joy.
Nothing now remains
to do except
gather the moments 
like pearls, precious
and shining.
For ever.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Simply to....3

Join me if you want to
breathe freely
and let us keep light
the weight of our expectations
from each other
so that we walk
with the spring in our step
and not the string 
in the other's hand.
And let the words flow
to express joy and
not direction
for where there is 
there follows
on its heels
So let us walk 
and talk the language
of joy and simplicity.

Simply to...2

Feeling alive
simply standing
and smiling
at the beauty of it all.
Life is nothing to gain
nothing to possess
but everything to feel
and everything to love.
To be simple is 
to be accepting of 
nothing that takes
one away from living.
That is the beauty
of simplicity
of the earth
the light
the breeze and the

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Shudder I do
for a moment
when I realise
what I am reduced
to when I 
return to
my daily grind.
Their gazes
speak to every pore
of my body
trying to gouge out
every bit of flesh
and every bit of muscle.
They are empty within
and want to empty their
filth into me.
Gosh! It's better to float
on the water 
endlessly letting
the waves take you
and the fish tickle you
and the sharks devour you.

Venturing out...3

Out to the sea 
I went
to immerse myself
in the vastness
not losing 
but expanding myself
to the point of merging
and becoming that vastness.
And I realised 
that this was different
from the union 
of bodies
that gives a moment
of explosion of 
and then rolls you back
on the sands of 
the raw flesh.
Here I return
from vastness
to vastness.
That's a venture.

Time to move...

Nothing happens in the out there
as a lot stirs within
the waves whisper their eternal secret
into my veins
that crisscross
this superbly crafted
creation of nature
-keep moving
 even life changes
at the same place.
There is a lot to give
and a lot to take
and the time is running
and so it's now or never
the time to move.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

In vastness..

This bare landscape
shorn of all greenery
and bushes
charmed me
into its vastness.
The earth does not
gather its expanse
nor does the sky
hold itself
tight, then why
I should guard
myself with the 
figment of imagination
that is called garment.
Let the breeze blow
light spread 
and spirits lift
me into the vastness
of life
for to become vast
is to live.

In readiness...

When all is taken away
and the colours faded
walls crumbled and holes
gaped through the roof
I am left with nothing but
my bare-bodied soul.
The cut and the dried
surround me, yet
the grass below feet
speaks of the tender
spirit that can still creep
up and bring to life
my resolve
to rebuild
and the tiny buds
nod in agreement
giving me the strength
to step up.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


anastasia from

Waters run deep
as shadows lengthen
and stars begin to dot the sky.
As I reach for the banks
full of thick plant growth
I realise the many things
that gave strength to 
the sinews
and made me go deep
into the unknown.
There is an urge to find out
what I am made of.
I need to feel what 
beats in my heart
and what makes 
the heart miss a beat.
Life is there everywhere
and times are when I mistake
the beat of the other's heart
for my own.
Something right in front
escapes me as I float
on the clouds of fantasy.
There are more mysteries
hidden within...

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Suddenly I got in touch
with the delicate in me
and around -
my waist arched
strands of hair brushing lightly
my wrist bent
fingers tingling
my gaze flowing out
in the faint light
to the world outside
and everything 
poised so delicately
around midriff.
Thing are just as
they are meant to be
I am in tune
and I am
the tune.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Venturing out...2

As the breeze blew lightly
I stood still allowing it
to brush past every pore
of my body
savouring the exhilarating
sensation throughout
and I realised I had become
a part of the vastness
the skies, the meadows
the light the grass
and the fragrance
I had ventured out
and ventured in.

Venturing out ..1

I didn't check
the weather forecast
nor the compasses
but I did check
my guts and instinct
and they said that was
the best time
to venture out
for the spirit was strong
and the flesh willing.
Dawn was yet to break
but all the work needed
to be done prior.
That's when the morning 
breeze blew lightly 
but firmly
just like my
burning fire.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Not yet...

There is nothing 
either I can do 
about it
or you can.
It's raining
and raining hard
and I haven't a thing
to ward off the rain
and keep me dry.
Drenched I am
and drenched to the
Do I like it?
I don't like standing in here
like an orphan
but I do like
the rain drops beat against
my thick skin.
Each drop is like
a piercing through centuries
of neglect 
of my self
my soul
my wishes
and of my body too.
It hits me hard
to realise the injustice
I have done to myself
of ignoring myself
putting me down
- that is the ultimate 
in humiliation.
I don't want to look back
and I don't want to go back.
It's my time now
and it's my life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Not sure...


I was about to 
take a step
toward light
when the straw
of a doubt crossed
my sight and
tread cautiously
and trade wisely
treasures are not valued
in the land of the thirsty - 
only water is.
So now I keep  
my diamonds
to myself
waiting for the day
when a real connoisseur
will turn up
at my doorstep.


Loneliness of existence
vastness of the universe
As I gaze upon
the distant horizons
I hear the soft murmur
of the waves as though
whispering an invitation
to jump and immerse
in the timeless cycle
of nature
But I don't want to lose
my self
and lastly....
I am alone in the vastness..

Monday, October 24, 2016

Colour of joy.....1

Light fills the air
as spring steps in
with its fragrance
I want to fill myself
with it
in every pore
leaves rustle in the breeze
the joy of simply
being alive
fills everything
around and inside
Then I see the bright
yellow of the leaves
everywhere and 
joy too has a colour.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Simply to....

Under the clear blue sky
waves work up the silly foam
of nothingness,
to the merriment of the 
ragged black rock.
The ocean roars from
time to time
from time immemorial
to call attention to
its vastness.
My gaze is fixed 
on the vanishing
beauty of the designs
left behind by the foam.
I am stripped of
all garment
and open to the elements.
The elemental fury within
is simply waiting to merge
in the flux of the deep 
vacillations of the ocean.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Nothing left...

Shafts of light
caught me unawares
and I turned
my gaze away
from the glare.
Shadows played
with the curves
as attention
danced on 
It struck me
there was nothing
left for 
my body
to achieve in
the way of perfection.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Silken is smooth sand 
so is my tender skin
Soft is the light of the dawn i
so is the murmur in my heart.
Waves grow in their roar
so does the turmoil in me
I can feel it, the beauty of being
and the pain of carrying it
and the softness of curves
and the yearning of the flesh
I am caught in covering it up
and yet looking on with hope.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Rays of glory

The sun rises
spreading its wings
of light
taking whole of earth
in its sweep
My body cannot contain
all of its joys
and wants to shower
it all over
Just as the Sun shares
its rays all over
not counting rocks
or sand or sea
and valley. 
I like my state of indecision
as I gather my graces
and wrap them
round my beauty.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Stark ....4

Landscape arid
light fading
lay of the land uneven
paths strewn with thorns
only heartbeats for company
flesh tightened by fear
and moistened by sweat
I trust only my body
- stark and naked
- soft and sensuous
- full of promise
and desires.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sheer Joy

Not wanting things
not dreaming wild
Just living 
the sheer moment.
Not clinging to
memories sweet
recalling the 
just loving
the sheer moment.
Not ashamed
to seek pleasure
not guilty
of seeking happiness
just lapping
the sheer moment.
Not afraid
to flex the flesh
nor scared to
scoop joy
just lobbing
the sheer moment.

Friday, September 23, 2016



There is a strange
when you have to
hide your blessings
lest they turn into
a curse.
You fear the world
in its jealousy
will turn against 
and so you withdraw
and withhold
your true self
and then there is 
strange stillness
inside you and
the usual rough-and-tumble.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Not sure
what and how
I got drawn
to the still waters.
It could be 
the turbulence
within or
memories of peace
long lost.
And here I am
entering the stillness
or rather
allowing stillness
to enter and slowly
spread silently.
Trying to do
and doing -
both are not done
here as
the Will brings
Ego and
stillness is when 
both subside making 
for what is
and truly

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


To gather
is to collect for
to possess for
the present
and to feel
And then you
realise that all
collections and possessions
add to your worries
and woes.
You have to take care
of them and keep them
in good order.
Well I realise
how tough it is
to take care of my body
its assets and curves.
I almost thought 
I was all that bundle
of flesh and curves
so admired by the world.
Now I gather awareness
not possessions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Some times...3

I long for our union
when we merge
our streams of 
holding each other tight
touching each other
all over
softly and hard
the fullness of my breasts
and of my loins
throbbing uncontrollably
fusing, breathing, kissing
making love
in one rhythm
losing the sense of the world
and just thinking of it
I am lost some times
 - not to fantasy
but to the world -
then it's only
the ticking of time.

Some times...2

When things fall in place
there is a fragrance
wafting in
that tells me
of the short life
this happiness has.
I know I can't hold on 
to it for long
so I take it in
real deep within
and shut out time
and space.
I am with the fragrance
full of it
and I evaporate
with it into tiny specks
each carrying the fragrance
in full.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Some times...

When nothing is in sight
there appears suddenly
a green patch by 
the roadside
and next to it
a lake of clear waters,
warm sunshine and
a feeling of all goodness.
Things fall in place
and the soul on a swing
a song in the heart
and a lilt in the voice.
You wonder and then cease
to perplex on how it happens
and just soak in the feeling
standing and not pressing
on even a thought.
Some times.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Everything stark
attracts to its
bare elements
and the roots
that can only be raw.
Everything else
sheds its skin
and changes colour
by the season, 
but not so the roots.
The raw, the bare
and the stark
are the Sun
and the Moon
and the Stars
and also
the beauty, truth
and the life.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Lines are curves straightened
Curves are Nature's twists 
as it bows before
When beauty chose to 
smile at the helplessness
of the mighty cosmos
curves emerged in Nature.
Flesh filled in the sketch
to give substance
to the continuity
for which in
fondness Nature yearns .
A soul then floated into
a body
to assure softness
of life on rocks hard
and tender voice
amid harsh sounds.
The beauty of
this work of art
bewitched time
and centuries.
And the body shines
in starkness.


Beauty is truth stark
Truth is nature stark
Life is beauty stark
where the hard rocks
play with soft vines
and dry bark bring
forth tender shoots
and an eternal flame
lives on in mortal frames.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Going Deep....3

Going deep
I found
my self
pure simple
innocent afraid
not decided
if it would be wise
to return
to surface of things
and surfeit of things
It is nice here
cold and warm
clear and caught up
but at least
I have no need to
cover up.
Going deep
I found I 
was my self.

Going deep....2

Going deep
is an adventure
for you know
not what
mysteries will
wrap around
you nor
is there
an assurance
that hitting
the bottom
you will
rise again.
So plunge
if you want to
be ready
to befriend
all surprises
and clinging.

Going deep...1

Going deep
is a desire
that comes
from the depth
of being
to reach the
bottom of things
and their truth
in the hope
that there
lies true
beauty and
one's salvation
from the drag
of the daily
living.  So
going deep
is a solace
to the dusted
and cleaned
soul of things.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


The field open
The ground covered
Bushes vying with each other
to catch every bit of sunshine
My soul listens to the song
being played in my veins
as my mind soars over
the spirit to paint
the skies with
colours of the unseen.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Fair Trails 6


When things brighten up
it's a sign for me
to get ready
to venture out
and seek newer horizons.
There is an inner glow 
to things
which I can feel
in the flow of the current.
Even when down
in the dumps
I stay tuned to the hum
that goes on 
in the wires
that connect 
all of us: you, me and the birds
of migration.


There's a quiet joy
when things come to 
for I never know
if things that I cared
for and nurtured
will bear fruit.
It could be the weather
or the pests
or the birds
or simply the tiny little
germs and insects
who would claim their
share of Nature's bounty.
The fruit that is ripe and
bright is a sheer joy
to watch before the
juicy bits turn
your insides 
into a song.
The seed grew well
and Nature blew well
and your hands were a help
and of course the Sun god
kept smiling to see 
the fruit come to 
the full shape.
It's a miracle 
that happens every day,
but no less for it!

The building

I love the way
they build the old-fashioned way
brick by brick
frame by frame
everything put
by loving hands
the rough made
smooth by touch,
the sensuality
of the burnt brick
and the polished wood
and one day it all will
be transformed
into a lovely
space that will 
give warmth
to the loved ones,
unknown to them the
way it was built.
Cell by cell I live
that love showered
once upon a time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fair Trails 5

No longer mine
I am and
nothing mine
remains any more.
I have given myself
over to the light
the breeze
the blades
the trees and
the forest.
They may do
what they will
I want to scatter
myself as a 
and drifting if you
Merge when I will
you will see
a star 
shooting up
from the earth 
into the skies

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


It's the sheerness
that captivates me
inside out.
The sheer rock
with its sheer fall
is so sheer in
its pull.
The sheerness of
the crevice
so mysterious
and enchanting.
The sheer breeze
on my sheer body
sends tingles
down the spine
and the front
right into
the seat
of all creation.
It's the sheer joy
of uniting with
the elements
anything in the way.

Fair Trails 4

Fill me inside out
O Golden Light
and devour all
the impurities
I carried as I dealt
with every thrust
made by the hunger
thirst and 
lust for power
that the weak always
have and proclaim as 
sign of masculinity.
I know not whence
you come but I do
know whereto you go.
Now everything is bathed
in you O divine light
even the green of the grass
smiles as it turns golden.
I chose to shed all my fears
and tears and bared myself
to you so that every trace 
of power and pelf was
washed away.  And
here I am ready now
to live by that light alone
which shone from above
to show the way.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Fair Trails 3

I am bowled over
by the space
there is for
the tiniest of
Their beauty
fills up
their existence
Like love
that expands
mind infinitely
but just for 
a moment.
And in that moment
are all the seeds
of creation.
I am overcome
by that ecstatic joy
of union
just as the flowers
look at me
so lovingly.

Fair Trails 2

How I love
these swaying
blades of overgrown
grass, lightly 
caressing my bare
All my senses
wake up to their
existence, all serving
to sustain
life in its tiniest and
gigantic forms.
I am the atom 
and unfathomable sky
and the infinite
possibilities of

Fair Trails 1

Dried bark and
juice within,
freshness of flesh
and dry spirits,
but hope never
dries up.
Freshness floats
and dances
at times
as forests
bring forth
life in myriad 
Look there
the bird flew 
into the bush
to feast on
insects unseen.

Sunday, July 24, 2016



In the dull, cloudy
rises a silent call
from inside of me.
Go out and embrace
the coldness
and the quiet
Not expecting
I wonder
if I should soak
in the silences
that reside
in the eternal void.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

To know...

To be blessed
with a magnificent
body that hosts
a pair of luscious 
and of gorgeous
is to know
that nothing
belongs to you
and everything belongs
to nature.
What belongs to 
you is the longing
and what to Nature
is the being.
So to merge
and lose oneself
in Nature
is the only 
true liberation.

Monday, May 2, 2016


Larger than life
is a display
of power and
Big edifices
are meant
to dwarf
those who come 
to occupy them.
What put me
Not the exquisiteness
of my body,
nor the big window
to the world,
but a foolish
desire to tell
the world
how small and ugly
it is.
Loveliness is
of the statue,
and so also
Love is humanism
divine and
divinely human.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Taut is the sinew
every sinew
in my eager body
with the expectation
of being fulfilled.
Every pore waits 
to celebrate
the festivity
of fresh beginnings.
I cherish my 
and yet...
passion overwhelms
my resolve.