Saturday, May 31, 2014

In Coldness 4


When I am alone
not a soul in sight
I can speak to the 
floor and the roof
the columns and the beams
the walls and the windows;
they watch everything 
bear everything and 
hear everything I say.
They are at peace
doing their job
come hell or high water
their touch is sure and not
they return everything you give.
Great friends, thank you
for your coldness and warmth
both you gave unreservedly. 

In Coldness 3


Not all is lost
nor can all be ever
lost so long as
I can stand up.
In coldness
have I sought 
support and searched
for a way out.
Dreams burnt down
but the sparks
flew showing the way
breeze came
and that's enough
I can make my way 
when coldness 
spawned boldness. 

In Coldness 2


In despair I am buffeted
dreams peeled off
hopes gone to pieces
unable to see the shape
of things to come
all by myself
deserted by friends and foes alike
with only coldness 
for company.
At least that touch
assures me of
being alive. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

In Coldness 1


All that was imagined
all that was desired
saw the light of construction
in firmness and strength
and then the spirit went out
chipping away pieces 
here and there
and now I stand
in the desertion
of one's own dreams.
In coldness I search
for a ray of hope
on which I can climb
and recover something
of that energy. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

That was then...

Nude 26

That was then...
and now I want to
leave all that behind.
Impetuous and tempestuous
wild and passionate
I had dived headlong
into love and affairs
and paid for it.
The fire still burns
in my loins
and no regrets
nor shame.
But now life
is my passion
and let each day
bring forth
the birth of a new

Monday, April 28, 2014

Fire and Fury 4


They came for their own reasons
It doesn't matter
I have my own reasons
It is tough to be true to myself
to own up all your lust and passion
and fury and seek their
sometimes beyond the pale
of custom
I have learnt to burn to ashes
and blow up in the heavens
the volcanoes that
made their home in
my flesh.

Fire and Fury 3


Time was when I flinched
claiming myself to myself
today I claim all that is mine
my strength my weaknesses
my solidities my grounds
flesh of capacious fertilities
I am waiting to envelope
and embrace and swallow
all challenges and all joys
and all struggles
knowing how all this will
pass and become history
the very next moment.

Fire and Fury 2


I offered all of mine
heart, soul and body
surrendered wholly
to the fire in the belly
and opened myself up
fully and totally
giving every ounce
of love and passion
and fire wanting to
be consumed not leaving
behind even a trace
of that paltry existence
merging in the vast expanse
of love and warmth
and here I am
reminiscing all that and more.

Fire and Fury 1


Fires are mine
Passions are mine
I am in thral held
I wait for something
someone to come
make a bonfire
of all guilt and shame
and be consumed by
the flame
when nothing remains
but the afterglow of
all that burnt away.

Monday, April 21, 2014



How I wish I could
become invisible
for a time!
Avoid I want to
those bestial gazes
upon my anatomy
stripping me of my
reducing me to
the female body;
much as I love
my body
I wish
to hide it for a time
from this world.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

How I wish....

"...Обои что ли поменять?"...:)

How I wish it was
easy to touch myself
like I touch this wall;
simple to exist
like the painted flower;
smooth to move
like a drawer in the store
How I wish it was
easy to own myself
like I own this house
simple to laugh
like the character in the idiot box
smooth to float
like the breeze in the garden.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Couldn't have asked for....

Displaying 1213049504.jpg

Couldn't have asked for more
can't even contain all I got
My heart is full
My soul is light and on a wing
My flesh is on fire
the joy overflows my being
taking me with it
to shores yonder
to clouds undreamt of
to heights unreachable.

What have I come....


What have I come to
in this search for myself?
What have I done to
life in making that image
of myself?
What I have given in
to, as I scanned the skies?
But it is no time now
to ask and ponder
It's time to simply
take in what life

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In fullness of time...


I have been waiting
not giving up
determined to make it happen
in fullness of time.
I wonder at times
if it is worth the wait.
Why not fling myself
at the altar of sacrifice?
But for everything there's time
that's what life has taught me.
So I wait for the fruit to ripen
the song to play
the dark clouds to carry the rain
and for the dawn to break.
So I will wait and
life will bloom
in fullness of time.

A little mischief

С тёмной шалью

It's a little mischief,
this life,
don't you think so?
Otherwise the flow of water
reflects the clear blue sky.
I stand in the shade
and yet there is this beam
of light, golden yellow,
brushes past my cheeks
and shoulders
as though
teasing me
to move out of the shadows
and plunge into
the flow in all my
naked glory.

Friday, March 28, 2014

I love those...

берёзовый сок

I love those woods
where existence mingles with both
fall and spring,
growth rustles with the breeze
and the straight stands guard
to the curved.
I love those curves
which have a movement of
their own,
a smoothness that comes
from love of living and
a flight of imagination
that holds immensity
in its grip.
I love those curves....

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pure joy

Мелодия природы

have you known
pure joy?
I did not, until
worries wafted away
desires deserted me
hopes leapt around fears
and both went up in thin air
Nothing was left to think
and it was pure joy
to breathe in pure air
and breathe out
Everything was singingly
and all was on song. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014



Verse by Ravprinderya

what passed?

the yearning never goes

the pain never stops

what did pass in between

had just to last a lifetime

what you have endured

had to happen for sure

neither of us survived

what remained was lost

Ravages of time


Vastness of space
I am trying to box
in a timeless gaze
What once was great
now stands dried stiff
What flows in my veins
will neither freeze nor cease
but will flow in the reins of the race
Yet there is a nameless throb
in my heart and in my loins
that makes me touch the
skin of the dry trunk.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

wilderness revisited

Бамбуковая принцесса

in search of building blocks
wanting to rebuild my life
but to new dreams and designs
notwithstanding all that shattered
I tread new paths
and revisit the wilderness
that drove me to abandon
the last of the lasting.
I am not thinking now.
Life is at a stand still, but
isn't that new?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The inevitable



All around me
pervades the sense
of decay, wear and tear
and uncaring, oblivious
to passage of time
I wonder if
I too am part
of this allencompassing
drama of denial:
everything's fine,
just the way it ought to be.
I know there are
things that
you can never
run away from.
The inevitable
slow death
takes over.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

There was something


There was something that 
I had forgotten
busy I was in making
that woman out of me
and then there was something
I had done everything
at their bidding
I was small and my
needs were small
but they needed to 
be met and 
it was something 
to be done.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Oh that sheerness..


Oh, that feeling of sheerness
the sheer cold and the smooth
yet pebbly rocks
the sheer transience of
the flow of water and
the feeling of being
there and yet not
the softness of light
and the eternity of
the elemental
oh, what a sheer pleasure
without any

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cast away

у моря...

Lonely in the company
of the elements
I am a cast-away
from a life
of pretence
of playing to the gallery
of pleasures pointless
Lovely it is being
so alone
by yourself
to be just yourself.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's unreal


It's unreal
it's a dream or a fantasy
to be all by yourself
in all the glory
of nature within
and without
with flowers in bloom
inside and out
trees soaring to the skies
and roots going to the core
and I am too
to bloom
and soar
and dive
all at the same time...
It's so real to be feeling
the breeze on your naked limbs
it's so unreal and a dream....

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The way of vastness


Finding my way
to my tiny place
in the vastness
of the skies
of the meadows
and of the hills
It is the tiny flowers that
fill the vastness
with their fragrance
and delicate existence
the soft light of dusk
guides me
into a land of
no shadows
vastness has its ways
of standing by your side
and taking you to
unknown terrains.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It wasn't meant to be...


Somewhere in my guts
and in my loins
I knew it
and yet
I could not
resist our
coming together
and uniting
and then I flung away
that desire
of mine
to have you
all to myself
all the time
knowing that would
take me down
shunning the flow of life
It wasn't meant to be
a noose...
our love needed to
fly and float and lift
our souls.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

So light and free...


Leaving behind
the heat and dust
muddy waters
trampled plants
and a lonely planet
I am taking off
to the stars and
clouds and rainbows
fantasies and utopia
There is spring in my step
a song in my heart
a dream in the gaze
and is that not important?

Something happened...


Something happened
You said something
and inside me
something snapped...
I had held it 
so delicately
your soul in all
its splendour
and ugliness 
in my soft 
and steady hands.
Then you flicked a speck
of doubt
and it hit me like a bolt
I will recover
but it will not be the same
Something has happened
and inside me
something has snapped....

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The carving, though...

Цветок, стул, зеркало.

Life has been beautiful
like a carving done
with love and skill
chiseled smooth
polished shine
and neatly displayed
and the carving speaks
of the quality
of wood and craft
but cannot have its own
And it's me and
my throbbing
that's craving to cry
out of the carving.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Не смотри на меня так ... )***

I can feel it 
in the leaves
the air
the still water
and the sky reflected
in it...
the freshness
of life
everything living
and all those
dead things
merging quietly
in the eternally
and so too
those memories......
To be fresh
every moment....Ah!

Ask me not...


Ask me not
my wishes
Wake me not
from fond dreams
Search me not
for dark secrets
Trust me not
to follow you
Give me your hand
and walk
the moment -
let's breathe
life and
celebrate it.


Life is a dream
and dreams
The sunlight -
mild, warm
the earth -
green and soft
The air -
fresh and fragrant
The beloved -
not far yet near
and Love
fills inside
and out, everywhere.
Paradise lives
in the moment.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

So much happens

В эпоху Возрождения..)

Not for me
the edifices of power
and certainty 
that enshrine the mortal
fantasy of  immortality;
time passes as 
I rest awhile
on the weather-beaten
treasures that lie
in ruins and
I remind myself
so much happens
in the space between
those fleeting moments.

There are so many....

 Ожидание  моряка

There are times
when I am touched
by things unseen
thoughts unknown
and a yearning undreamt
so far...
There is something out there
waiting to
come in the open
So many
of my selves
how many more
in the eternal womb
of the cosmos.....
So many 
of me
here, there
and everywhere
will it release them all?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wrapped in mist...


Everything outside
wrapped in mist,
inside covered by mist
of memories piled
up, pain mixed
with pleasure
and doubts 
folding certainties.
I am all flakes of snow
falling all over
not needing to hold 
my fragments of 
from the tyranny
of convention.
Let the mist grow 
to disappear.

Monday, February 17, 2014

That moment....


One moment you feel it
and the's gone
How fickle is the mind
and wavering the gaze
and unsure is the organ
I wanted to catch you
and hold your hand
and whisper it
but you turned to go
and time slipped past
and words stumbled
I stood speechless
thinking of what you
and lost was that moment
to eternity.
It was there for me to take
and I was there for you to take
and that moment....

Wednesday, February 12, 2014



The forest of desires
filled with
yellowed temptations
and dark secrets
offers no
from carnal tempests.
Devastation is the only
way to resurrect
and entanglements
the only
denouement of
the dilemma
of living.

Friday, February 7, 2014

All the world's a stage...


All the world's a stage..
may be...
But I am not playing any part
I am backstage if you like
in the green room
just stripped myself
to be just myself
and honestly.
I don't know
what it's like
to be yourself
but that's me
no -
that's exactly me:
to be not knowing 
and yet going ahead 
and doing it.
So I am not playing any part
you can write a play around 
and that would be nice.

It is really about

Игривое настроение

Come to think of it
I pose a threat
to all those who 
get scared by
their sexuality;
there it is
standing naked in 
front of you
your sexuality
your desires
passions and fantasy
and you have turned
your gaze away
thinking if you 
don't see it
it is going to
vanish -
utterly foolish -
I know and you know
you can strip 
a woman naked 
just with your eyes!
And now when I stand here
you are trying to run me 
down!  Ha!
It's about who you are
really it is about your
impotence to own up

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I saw it


I heard it in silence
n felt it in standing still
I saw it when eyes
closed of their own
and there was Grace
all around
blessing all there was
softly serenely
There was no murmur
everything accepted
as it was
as a gift
n everything appreciated
without adding glory
The waves sang to the rocks
and the rocks 
resonated with delight.
I saw it when eyes closed
of their own.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Great company...


Great company it is
to be wading in the mud
with slender branches
fanning you
and tender leaves
shielding you
from the breeze
and clouds with
silver linings
shedding just the 
light you need 
to strip you
of the last vestiges 
of a bygone era
as you prepare to cleanse
for a new beginning.
Great company when
you are all by yourself.

To take in


To be alive in 
this play of 
light and shade,
of quiet and rustle
rocks and grass
the green and the yellow
is to take in
the fresh air
the energy
of the tiniest creation 
around me 
without filter
and barrier
and just allow it
to flow through me
to wherever and everywhere.

Friday, January 31, 2014

They call me...

фотография Валери

They called me names
derided me
nothing stuck to me
Wasn't perturbed
but disturbed yes.
Time passed and
brought me
a realization.
Voluptuous I was
and that was a blessing
fires burned deep inside me
passions erupted high up
Every cell ached to express
to unite to consume and be 
They call me still
by names all
and I smile
and I carry on regardless.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Curvy but not crooked

 the deep forest

It is the rough and the rugged
the curvy but not the crooked
that I love to handle.
The textured touch
the crusty bark
the elegant twist
and the soft spread
- isn't that what life
To caress the trunk
is to meditate
on life
unmindful of
the snakes
in the grass.

I am lost


Laden with gifts
life is a burden
to be borne.
Guard the gifts
shield them
care for them
adorn them and 
wrap them.
Scared of the scars
you stop using them
What use is a life 
that only earns 
but no real love
or warmth?
Lost am I
with all these gifts
filling up my 

I can' you?


So many fights
so many grouses
tiffs, taunts and hurts.
You cursed and kicked
I spat and stormed out
and yet you came back
and I made up and
we made love
and again.
I can't believe it... you?
Who knows what
we will do with
each other
I can't think of it you?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A life of passion


Do you really have to 
think so much
to respond now?
Mine is a life lived
with passion
I share with abandon
I delight with union
and I hold no grudges
and no hopes.
I know tomorrow is 
yet another day
and I know mine
is a life lived with
devotion to the 
only life giving force.

There is still...

у моря...

True, the world abounds in hard nuts
and macho men throw their weight around
Wonder how women fall for some pigs
and suffer torture and betrayals and yet
carry on giving love and loyalty
There is something soft and graceful
still in this world, like this sand
it doesn't claim to be either a rock or a wave
of the ocean.
And there still are women, thank God
and there is still Grace
to leave things as they are.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Do you think you can...


My mind is clear
after Grace washed out 
all hurts and grudges
and Guts purged regrets
with an inner glow.
Told I was that
it showed up on my face
and I can feel it in every pore -
so light, so bright and so bursting.
You think you can
let bygones be bygones
and yet light the flame
of love yet again?