Friday, January 31, 2014

They call me...

фотография Валери

They called me names
derided me
nothing stuck to me
Wasn't perturbed
but disturbed yes.
Time passed and
brought me
a realization.
Voluptuous I was
and that was a blessing
fires burned deep inside me
passions erupted high up
Every cell ached to express
to unite to consume and be 
They call me still
by names all
and I smile
and I carry on regardless.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Curvy but not crooked

 the deep forest

It is the rough and the rugged
the curvy but not the crooked
that I love to handle.
The textured touch
the crusty bark
the elegant twist
and the soft spread
- isn't that what life
To caress the trunk
is to meditate
on life
unmindful of
the snakes
in the grass.

I am lost


Laden with gifts
life is a burden
to be borne.
Guard the gifts
shield them
care for them
adorn them and 
wrap them.
Scared of the scars
you stop using them
What use is a life 
that only earns 
but no real love
or warmth?
Lost am I
with all these gifts
filling up my 

I can' you?


So many fights
so many grouses
tiffs, taunts and hurts.
You cursed and kicked
I spat and stormed out
and yet you came back
and I made up and
we made love
and again.
I can't believe it... you?
Who knows what
we will do with
each other
I can't think of it you?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A life of passion


Do you really have to 
think so much
to respond now?
Mine is a life lived
with passion
I share with abandon
I delight with union
and I hold no grudges
and no hopes.
I know tomorrow is 
yet another day
and I know mine
is a life lived with
devotion to the 
only life giving force.

There is still...

у моря...

True, the world abounds in hard nuts
and macho men throw their weight around
Wonder how women fall for some pigs
and suffer torture and betrayals and yet
carry on giving love and loyalty
There is something soft and graceful
still in this world, like this sand
it doesn't claim to be either a rock or a wave
of the ocean.
And there still are women, thank God
and there is still Grace
to leave things as they are.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Do you think you can...


My mind is clear
after Grace washed out 
all hurts and grudges
and Guts purged regrets
with an inner glow.
Told I was that
it showed up on my face
and I can feel it in every pore -
so light, so bright and so bursting.
You think you can
let bygones be bygones
and yet light the flame
of love yet again?

Friday, January 24, 2014

The wild flower

Nude ...

Do you know
- but how would you - 
the power of the 
wild flowers?
As you bustle your way through
you get on to 
another plane of existence
your insides burst open
your nostrils flare up to take in
fresh air
and you leave behind
all regrets, all sins
and all gratitude to
the power of convention
and you breathe free and light
and pure and shining.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rocks and caves


Rocks and caves
guard the spirit
of solitude
when one is
true only to oneself
and the whole world
stands still.
I am carved from that
and can hear the rocks
sing from their heart
the only true
notes of

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

If only you will..


If only you had
that inside
my flesh
throbbed a real person,
you would be something
Lusting for the flesh
you lost it.
Passions ride my
desires too
but I know where
to take them.
I am but an instrument
and you too are one
for that cosmic orchestra
to play out
its symphonies.
If only you will 
listen to the call
of the yonder....

Please register

Hi everyone

I will soon be completing a century of graphic poems and to celebrate the occasion will bring out a collection of selected poems and visuals.  I will mail it free of cost to the first ten readers who register their email ids with me.  The way to do it is to send an email to me with "Registration" as the subject line at my email id - colindotlascaleatgmaildotcom.  Last date - 27 Jan 2014

Cheers!  Celebrate Life!  Celebrate Art!

Light I need...


Light I need
not to see the way ahead
but for every pore of me
to become eyes.
I want to take in all
of beauty and wonder
inside me
and float in the clouds
of love and then
be the rain that
showers life
on the parched earth
left ravaged by
demons of the mind.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Softly they...


Softly they fade
like the light at dusk
the regrets and the hurts
and when the night falls
it is only the stars
that light up the sky
like my mind that
only counts
kisses, hugs
I rise slowly
to touch the stars
very softly.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

And then you...


At the crossroads
of comfort and convention
and of freedom and turbulence
frozen I stood, frozen
coming as I did
from shelters
built over centuries.
And then you
took me by surprise
into your arms
and I melted
into your warmth
throbbing to an eternal
how can I 
be the same?

What it was..


What it was 
that held me 
The call from
the depth
of my fleshly
the vastness
opening up
from the 
divine union?
The hurtling down
the valley
only to be 
borne on
to the clouds 
of heaven?
What it was
that I am still
against hope
to fathom?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Left wondering


I am left
what it did to me
to be involved
past the rush
of excitement
to lose the light
for a search in the dark.
There a promise
made to myself
threw me down
the stairs of the present
into a nothingness.
Hitting cold bottom
me here
and I am left wondering.

I'll remember...

I`ll remember..

I'll remember
how lightly you held
how sprightly was
my spirit
how tender were
the waves
of love
that caressed
our hearts 
and how quickly
time sped past
our destinies.
I'll remember
how tightly you held
before night passed
into a new dawn.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It isn't always


It isn't always
that life passes by
and you aren't able to
catch what it has gifted
Life is gushing
all over me
I am in a whirl
Memories shoot up
to dock with
fantasies in outer space
Sparks light up
inner recesses
of my heart and body
I am turning into
a ball of energy
bouncing off
nothing but the space
filled with a nameless

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's a great joy...

А я иду, шагаю....

Life is fun
and nature is
at throwing
My naughtiness
shields me
and I revel
in mixing
rawness with
the cold
and the concrete
ever so softly.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Gentle is the breeze...

Летний ветерок)

Gentle is the breeze
and gentle the light
delicate are the flowers
and delicate the skin
heart is aflutter
and aflutter the tresses
words rise from the heart
and lips open up
life is a gentle flow
and my gaze is still.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How I wish...


How I wish life could be
words expressing
true feelings
deeds serving
true intent
touch conveying
true care
and love demanding
nothing but

Deep down....

Antanas Karbaukas on

The surface calm
belies the simmering within
but I have allowed
hurts and regrets
to settle down at
the bottom
but delve I must
into those mysteries
of all that made
me yearn, turn and
twist in the flow of life.
My flow?
Still waters beckon me
these days.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tough it is....


It is tough
but not hard
to be soft to yourself.
I lean for support
knowing my vulnerabilities
but walk I can
alone in the wilderness
with slender beginnings
to celebrate my 
But it is tough
to heed the call
to bare my soul
to my self.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Your ways are by Mat Katsen Coil

I thought
and I believed
you are going to be
with me for ever.
Short was the company
but great the warmth.
Your grace abounded.
Some light in wilderness
Some comfort in the biting cold
and then you turn away.
Like they did.
My landscape is desolate
but my spirit is not flagging.
Come discover the warmth
of my spirit and hearth.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

In ripeness....

Осенняя прогулка)

When fullness meets ripeness
So many possibilities open up
and you still want
me to remain
in bounds
very carefully wrought
in times past
and ages bygone
It's so warm out there
and you want me to turn cold!

There is music...


I hear the music
that comes from
the stirring of your soul,
O rocks!
You have stood
weathering many a storm
your exterior
Gusts chipped away
You faced it all.
Tides crossed you not
and waves beat a hasty retreat.
You know not
any venom
only singing
in the breeze
and music in the heart.