Thursday, July 23, 2009

I saw you...

Image - Emmanuelle Beart in "La Belle Noiseuse"
Verse by Colin Lascale
I saw you
and saw in you
the spark missing from my life.
I touched you
and you turned and turned to show your entire universe
of love, pain, hurt and hope.
I asked you
and you gave and gave profusely
of your creativity and confusion.
I joined
and joined my imagination
to your expression
and love took wings
to skies untouched
to lands unknown
to spirits unseen
into a bliss of its own.

..for the Bell to toll...

Image by Iksodas, Model - Lela Rae
As I wait for the bell to toll
I reminisce all through my life
I dance to and fro
as never ever before
I sit at the pedestal of Death
no matter how hard I pray
it will happen, come what may
I had spoken never in jest
-take my life if that's best
ultimately that did happen
you asked for my life in a way
tough to balance myself in two boats
standing still on dancing moats
one means life the other death
but why for me its the last breath
Verse by Ravprinderya

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fate it is...

Verse by Syn Onym

Fate it is that I am
where there is place
for two.
And I long for you to be here
next to me,
to snuggle up
close to you
to close you inside
and then I won't be
but one with you,
beating to the same
rhythm of life.
Still I am and you are
where you are
Now I am one
with you inside my being.
And fate it is
that we are alone
in our worlds.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who is she?

Verse by Ravprinderya
While sitting near the puddle of tears
I peer in and see
a beauty staring back at me
Who is she? Do I know her?
a dimpled cheek with cupid lips
candidly she winks at me!
I look around in amazement
Do I really know her within or without?
No doubt I have seen her somewhere
prancing over trees and soaking in the stream
her nubile laughter rings in my ears
Miserably I try moving away
so she twinkles her waif eyes
and shyly waves at me
she is but a distant memory
unknowingly she visits me
quite like a tresspassing malady!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Image: Inese Kalva
Verse: Ravprinderya
I walk down the same path time and time again
the lone pebbled path as if i am lost
i dont want to walk down but do it all the same
my person keeps changing - a daughter, a mother, a sister,a friend but never a lover
no one seeks me that way
i walk fast most times
and trip many too
the grazing and bruises soon heal
i brush the dust and leaves off my hair
how come i get lost everytime
i wonder and giggle
how silly of me!!i know it well like the back of my hand
but i dont know whats on the inside the lines on my palm
those lines i would like to tread
but the moment i reach them they fade away and i m lost again

Friday, July 3, 2009

Delete, he says

Image by Haim Zaslavsky (
he says delete me from your memories
i say how to do that because they hurt
he says it is very simple just press the button
i say how to do that it is tough to find it
he says search find and delete
i say please help me to do it
he says ofcourse i will help you
i say it is so basic and simple
he says yes it will be for you too
i say if it is why are you asking me ?
he says nothing but wants me to proceed
i say ofcourse anything for you
he says do it fast and clean
i say i cannot do it i am not made that way
i guess he has not more to say!!
Verse by Ravprinderya