Monday, April 28, 2014

Fire and Fury 4


They came for their own reasons
It doesn't matter
I have my own reasons
It is tough to be true to myself
to own up all your lust and passion
and fury and seek their
sometimes beyond the pale
of custom
I have learnt to burn to ashes
and blow up in the heavens
the volcanoes that
made their home in
my flesh.

Fire and Fury 3


Time was when I flinched
claiming myself to myself
today I claim all that is mine
my strength my weaknesses
my solidities my grounds
flesh of capacious fertilities
I am waiting to envelope
and embrace and swallow
all challenges and all joys
and all struggles
knowing how all this will
pass and become history
the very next moment.

Fire and Fury 2


I offered all of mine
heart, soul and body
surrendered wholly
to the fire in the belly
and opened myself up
fully and totally
giving every ounce
of love and passion
and fire wanting to
be consumed not leaving
behind even a trace
of that paltry existence
merging in the vast expanse
of love and warmth
and here I am
reminiscing all that and more.

Fire and Fury 1


Fires are mine
Passions are mine
I am in thral held
I wait for something
someone to come
make a bonfire
of all guilt and shame
and be consumed by
the flame
when nothing remains
but the afterglow of
all that burnt away.

Monday, April 21, 2014



How I wish I could
become invisible
for a time!
Avoid I want to
those bestial gazes
upon my anatomy
stripping me of my
reducing me to
the female body;
much as I love
my body
I wish
to hide it for a time
from this world.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

How I wish....

"...Обои что ли поменять?"...:)

How I wish it was
easy to touch myself
like I touch this wall;
simple to exist
like the painted flower;
smooth to move
like a drawer in the store
How I wish it was
easy to own myself
like I own this house
simple to laugh
like the character in the idiot box
smooth to float
like the breeze in the garden.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Couldn't have asked for....

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Couldn't have asked for more
can't even contain all I got
My heart is full
My soul is light and on a wing
My flesh is on fire
the joy overflows my being
taking me with it
to shores yonder
to clouds undreamt of
to heights unreachable.

What have I come....


What have I come to
in this search for myself?
What have I done to
life in making that image
of myself?
What I have given in
to, as I scanned the skies?
But it is no time now
to ask and ponder
It's time to simply
take in what life

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In fullness of time...


I have been waiting
not giving up
determined to make it happen
in fullness of time.
I wonder at times
if it is worth the wait.
Why not fling myself
at the altar of sacrifice?
But for everything there's time
that's what life has taught me.
So I wait for the fruit to ripen
the song to play
the dark clouds to carry the rain
and for the dawn to break.
So I will wait and
life will bloom
in fullness of time.

A little mischief

С тёмной шалью

It's a little mischief,
this life,
don't you think so?
Otherwise the flow of water
reflects the clear blue sky.
I stand in the shade
and yet there is this beam
of light, golden yellow,
brushes past my cheeks
and shoulders
as though
teasing me
to move out of the shadows
and plunge into
the flow in all my
naked glory.