Monday, March 27, 2017

Not mine....

For long have I carried
borrowed terms
borrowed frames
borrowed norms.
Living on borrowed templates
I just became 
an image a copy
and a lovely frame.
I was an apple 
without the juice.
All I got was
and existence -
mere survival.
But I am not at 
anybody's mercy
no longer.
I can fend for myself.
I will carry on 
I have it in me
to weave the fabric
of my life.
I know you will be
there and
I will give out
my heart.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

On my own...3 Model- Claire

The deep green waters
draw me close
and I dive into their
mysteries and treasures
all by myself
to meet all
my demons and angels
under water.
I see one by one
my passions
and turn them round
and find
they are one and the same:
my passions turn into 
fears and my fears
hide my hopes
and in my hope
lies my passion.
I can no longer
see any demons
nor any angels
All I see is the depth
of my being
and the breadth of 
the earth's bosom.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

On my own ...2

As I move on my own
on the uncharted terrain
I meet abundance
of nature
of plants growing tall
over vastness of earth
and under limitless skies
both stretching to meet 
in distant horizons
my heart aflutter
every cell alive to the whispering woods
and loins throbbing with desire
holding so much of creation
within and without.

On my own..1

I have long abandoned
and discovered
the solidity of stone
the craft in construction
the tenacity in the thorn
the power in passion.
I am now on a journey
of my own
in the company of
all those who abandoned
the path of success.

Monday, March 20, 2017


So nice to be resting
your head
against a solid 
yet supple support
that never stops 
reaching for the skies.
Growing without
stunting others
without casting
a shade over others
and yet receiving
everything with grace.
I have no hesitation
no inhibition
to let joy come to me
into me and
out of me.
Joy is growing.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ready to fly

Pushed to the wall 
I was
when I allowed others
to push me.
Now I realise
my power
my strength
my energy.
I fear no one
I hate no one
I depend on ono one.
It is all very simple
I am free to do what I want 
so long as I am not 
hurting another's interests.
I disregard others' barbs
and taunts
I am ready to fly.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Without my knowing
life turned the shade
and everything looked 
cold and hard
like these rocks
the base of shifting sands
What can I ask
of myself
or anyone?
Is there really
any movement 
from here to there?
I wonder and seek
solace in 
the companionship 
of a rock
unmoving and solid.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Dawn is breaking
as the new day prepares
to usher in
I am gathering myself
to think of the next step.
I know better than
to give in to passions.
The storm and the fury
last but a short time
but leave behind
a trail of destruction.
I know now what stirs me
and what tests me.
No more need for me
to respond to every call
to receive every offering.
I will wait for that 
bell to ring inside.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Nature's work

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Friday, March 3, 2017

Not knowing myself ....2

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