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Moods change with
seasons, they say.
I have borne
the hot and the cold
the grim and the bright
of life
with grace of silence
and yet stayed
for every time
fate flashed its
wicked smile
at me,
I nodded
held myself upright
but never stared back.
Life wasn't only
out there
but it made
home in my heart
and my loins.
And peace came
for me.
And then I
the time when
we touched each other
not only with our hands
and limbs
but with our hearts.
Time melted away
past whistled away
and no trace of thoughts
Love lolled about
smiles lingered lazily
all over
and fingers played
melodies of magic
in every pore.
Nothing was
nothing remained
and nothing happened
when we were
everything unto ourselves.
Those hopes
slipped out
and fears trod
in silently.
Not an ounce
was left
neither was one
taken away.
Everything remained
just as it was
except that life
wasn't there.
I sat thinking
doing nothing
feeling stuck
as though
everything had
come to a standstill.
In that silence
I heard
the heart
A moment quietly
saunters in
and hangs in there
when thoughts cease
and the mind
on the perfect design
of things
that otherwise seem
to be happening
Everything seems
placed perfectly
in the flow of life
and even the suffering
seems to carry a place
in it - to be sensitive
to the calm resolve
to carry on.
And I marvel
at the perfect shape
of things
drinking their
beauty without
getting drunk.

Model: Scarlett Morgan
Even when the world
loved me
and rejoiced in
all of it
I didn't realise
that both of us
were celebrating
the fullness
of life.
To be full of beauty
is to appreciate
it in another
and to appreciate
the beauty
of the world
is to be full of it
in oneself.
My soul
breathes through
my flesh
all of it
and all the time
all the beauty
that is there
in this world
and beyond.
If only you could
The mist of existence
shows openings
The rocks of convention
have become slippery
Only the vines keep
company unfailingly
There is a freshness
hanging in the air
that comes from
breezes of yonder.
My mind is humming
a tune that's
in search of a song
of hope without
an anchor
and of love
any guarantee
of fulfilment.
Coming face to face
with my deepest core
I am consumed by
the fury of my passions
and I can't say
if they are fueled
by the body
or they are
the fuel.
I am not sure
if I can survive
this storm
I am pushed
from a force
inside to seek
to this endless wait
and agony of
not finding a mate
to unite with.
But storms too
are known to pass
and leave behind
debris of destruction.
Am I heap already?
I am a fish out of water
Depths I needed
you didn't provide
How could I lead
a life of shallow
I needed flow
when you offered
I needed touch
when I got
the marsh.
I needed my little
when I was given
a vastness of no
I needed closeness
when you gave
At least now
I need you
whichever way
whatever shape
come and take me
on your lap.
From detention by
ideas of mine and others
in the safe haven
of the familiar
I now see something
bright and vast
open and rising.
The soft shields must
yield place
and allow a clear view
of the hustle and bustle
of life on the move.
The hit-and-run ideals
have wounded
and it's time for me
to throw away
all pretence of
delicate grace and
fling away
the garments of
My world
I need to reclaim.
There it happens
that I don't feel
like switching on
the room lights
like in the early hours
of dawn.
I like to see the morning
glow spread slowly
in the world outside
touching everything
in its wake.
Even when closed to the world
I long to be a part of it
not wanting to be
intruded upon
but invited lightly
to share openly.
I keep hoping
the world would be light
spreading slowly
and then fading away
when it is time.
Sands of time
slide down
to meet the
still waters
and rest awhile.
I pause in the flow
of life
not wanting to be
out of it.
I can see the drift
that leaves its mark
on the dried bark
of the twigs that broke
Beauty can lie still
allowing breeze
to write its story
of nothingness
on the watery surface
of untraced treasures.
As day breaks anew
my mind travels back
to see a life
fashioned to fill
the self
with possessions
that needed space,
to fill the space
with actions of all kind
and a mind
teeming with ideas
and a body on
the fire of passion
driven up
all the time
to nowhere.
As I stand here
devoid of action
a strange contentment
gathers up
from my feet and
fills me inside
and out.
I just watch
I am in two minds
but not perturbed
about choosing one.
My sights are set high
for the skies tell me
of the winds, storms
and rains and sunshine.
My feet on the ground
and can feel the soft
and the hard and the dry
and the wet earth.
The trunks give me
the much needed armrest.
The day is breaking and
the heart is aflutter,
Soon the birds will start
and the light will spread
before its time will come
to fade.
For once
I am sure
and in no doubt
or hesitation
that in responding
to this invite
the soft rays of the sun
the clear expanse of the lake
the reassuring green
of the forest
I have only respected
the need
theirs and mine
to touch each other
and truly
and my nakedness
is simply my
willingness to embrace
all of it.