Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In fullness...5


It happens
without knowing
without effort
that I merge with
the surroundings
and just cannot feel
separate from them
There is stillness
and yet awareness
of everything that is
and nothing remains
to see, feel or think
A different kind of fullness
when every cell is full
of being
and all descriptions 
of fullness 
sound empty.
Flesh is 
throbbing and distant.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Of Intimacy...


When doors closed
and darkness spread
we met
lighting up each other
and the one life.
Our spirits united
to lift us into the world
where no one
not even a thought
can enter, nay, peep.
We bared our bodies
and our souls
so that we could touch
each other in the deepest
and light that fire
to rocket us into
the unknowable space.
As I sit here alone
I carry those intimate
moments all over
and all into me.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Of nature..5


Oh, those times
I remember
when we madly
loved each other
and splashed
it all over
not worrying a bit
about the slush
and the mud
and the currents.
Everything around
us stood still
and within
the storms of passion
and carried us 
on the crest of
a new wave
that came with the 
torrent of love
and we survived.
As I stand at the edge
of the pond that
hides our 
and secrets
and mysteries
I only remember
and carry that love
beyond words.

Of Nature...4


These stalks 
that surround
grow tall yet slender
and bear tender
shoots of corn
and cast
in the soft sunlight
their shadows across
my body.
I am touched 
not bodily
but in soulspace
by something 
so frail yet full
so soft yet strong
and there spreads
inside me
a sweet fragrance 
of the beauty of life
and outside
the sun lingers
lazily on the horizon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

In Fullness....4


And when it's time
to work
I trust myself
in the sinews of
my muscles
and my strong legs
that hold up
the lovely edifice
of my body
and let work shape
my being
in all its turns
and twists
unmindful of the 
whether bleak or black
or blooming and booming.
Spirit is the breath of life
and to live on and to move on
is its purpose.

In Fullness.....3


When it's time
to rejoice
my whole being comes
alive with the desire
to share everything
I have 
with me 
in me
of me
with the world
I want to open up
to the world
and let it drink
to its heart's content
and then
move on 
and keep moving on
...not holding on
but simply relish
the aftertaste.

In Fullness....2


It's only now
I realised
I had been trying
to fill fullness
with emptiness.
Already full of the milk
of love
I yearned to shape
those lovely breasts of mine.
Full of fertile promises
and swaying gently
I wanted to work
on the elephantine 
fundament of 
my femininity.
And I wanted to drink
wine when life itself
was intoxicating.
and full of charm
love and 
waiting to overflow.

Waking from reverie


I dreamt often
of a far away land
of blue, green and gold
of love,music and spirits
of flowers, birds and children
of waves, sun and sand
and woke up to city traffic
and ambulance sirens.
The everyday rush I couldn't
escape and longed more
for the dreamland.
I want all this to end -
the dreaming and waking up.
So I now choose to 
go within, withdraw
and take in the quiet within.
Just let the quiet spread
to every cell in the body
and float.
Then it doesn't matter
when and where
I wake up.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Of Nature...3


Even the tiniest flower
and the mightiest trunk
live by the same light
and wear the same wind
but breathe same life
into their self
celebrating differently.
As one sways the other stands
and as one firms up 
the other fades.
And just as the grass
brushes lightly
against my bare thighs
I touch lightly
the bare bark 
of the tall ones.
To touch is to live.

Of Nature....2


Everything that is rich
turns me into
a possessive admirer
and what comes of Nature
I call my own and mine.
It is nature's way
to simply be 
and be giving
of itself
and let things be.
Here I am standing
amid plenty
trying to pull
things to me
and it now
appears so
utterly foolish.
To pull is to fool.

Of Nature..


Hurries gone past
I stand contented
not needing to move
taking in 
Nature's pace
as shadows lengthen
I look around
to find
things setting their
own order
and I too belong 
in the scheme of nature
becoming quiet
and quieter.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Being deserted...


It isn't easy
to stand
amid a slideful of
soil and rocks,
even to get a toehold.
When all hope
seems to leave
behind heaps
of bared bones
and tangled vines
I trust my feet
to carry me
all the turmoil
to foot hills.
What use the peaks
when you need
the water of life
to run through
dry deserts?

Tuesday, August 8, 2017



The beauty of the dry thick bark
blends so smoothly
with the tender green
that sprouts with the rains
and freshness descends
from the skies
into my veins
and almost overflows
through the loins.
I am enthralled
by the stillness
and smoothness of it 
and want to hold
it in my being
for eternity
just like the skies.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

On my own....9

Stasia Shpits by Rodrigo Palacios
Model: Stasia Shpits  Photographer: Rodrigo Palacios

I knew
things could never
be smooth
in this rough and ready world
that prides itself
on smooth talking
and smooth sailing
and smart deals.
And so ready I was
and ready I am.
To be tossed and tumbling
cursed and crawling
shamed and shirking.
It's a matter of time
and patient bearing
before everything
passes out
and I keep moving.


Model: Stasia Shpits, Photographer:Gonzalo Villar

To get into the thick
of things
known and unknown
I don't want to 
any baggage
of things 
that have grown
their weight
simply by adding
regret and grief
to the bygone.
I want to strip 
off all pretensions
and perfumery
and just stand
as I learn to 
accept myself
and its risks. 

Friday, August 4, 2017


Photo: Aleksandr Fess
Aleksandr Fess, model: Stasia Shpits

Smooth is the light
and smooth is the touch
of the pearls 
that I hold in 
the necklace
that sits smoothly
on my nape
as I circle 
my breasts
with my hand
and the curves of my
smoothly drape
the sensations
that drop from my mind
into my space.