Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Shudder I do
for a moment
when I realise
what I am reduced
to when I 
return to
my daily grind.
Their gazes
speak to every pore
of my body
trying to gouge out
every bit of flesh
and every bit of muscle.
They are empty within
and want to empty their
filth into me.
Gosh! It's better to float
on the water 
endlessly letting
the waves take you
and the fish tickle you
and the sharks devour you.

Venturing out...3

Out to the sea 
I went
to immerse myself
in the vastness
not losing 
but expanding myself
to the point of merging
and becoming that vastness.
And I realised 
that this was different
from the union 
of bodies
that gives a moment
of explosion of 
and then rolls you back
on the sands of 
the raw flesh.
Here I return
from vastness
to vastness.
That's a venture.

Time to move...

Nothing happens in the out there
as a lot stirs within
the waves whisper their eternal secret
into my veins
that crisscross
this superbly crafted
creation of nature
-keep moving
 even life changes
at the same place.
There is a lot to give
and a lot to take
and the time is running
and so it's now or never
the time to move.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

In vastness..


This bare landscape
shorn of all greenery
and bushes
charmed me
into its vastness.
The earth does not
gather its expanse
nor does the sky
hold itself
tight, then why
I should guard
myself with the 
figment of imagination
that is called garment.
Let the breeze blow
light spread 
and spirits lift
me into the vastness
of life
for to become vast
is to live.

In readiness...


When all is taken away
and the colours faded
walls crumbled and holes
gaped through the roof
I am left with nothing but
my bare-bodied soul.
The cut and the dried
surround me, yet
the grass below feet
speaks of the tender
spirit that can still creep
up and bring to life
my resolve
to rebuild
and the tiny buds
nod in agreement
giving me the strength
to step up.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


anastasia from photosight.ru

Waters run deep
as shadows lengthen
and stars begin to dot the sky.
As I reach for the banks
full of thick plant growth
I realise the many things
that gave strength to 
the sinews
and made me go deep
into the unknown.
There is an urge to find out
what I am made of.
I need to feel what 
beats in my heart
and what makes 
the heart miss a beat.
Life is there everywhere
and times are when I mistake
the beat of the other's heart
for my own.
Something right in front
escapes me as I float
on the clouds of fantasy.
There are more mysteries
hidden within...

Wednesday, November 9, 2016



Suddenly I got in touch
with the delicate in me
and around -
my waist arched
strands of hair brushing lightly
my wrist bent
fingers tingling
my gaze flowing out
in the faint light
to the world outside
and everything 
poised so delicately
around midriff.
Thing are just as
they are meant to be
I am in tune
and I am
the tune.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Venturing out...2


As the breeze blew lightly
I stood still allowing it
to brush past every pore
of my body
savouring the exhilarating
sensation throughout
and I realised I had become
a part of the vastness
the skies, the meadows
the light the grass
and the fragrance
I had ventured out
and ventured in.

Venturing out ..1


I didn't check
the weather forecast
nor the compasses
but I did check
my guts and instinct
and they said that was
the best time
to venture out
for the spirit was strong
and the flesh willing.
Dawn was yet to break
but all the work needed
to be done prior.
That's when the morning 
breeze blew lightly 
but firmly
just like my
burning fire.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Not yet...


There is nothing 
either I can do 
about it
or you can.
It's raining
and raining hard
and I haven't a thing
to ward off the rain
and keep me dry.
Drenched I am
and drenched to the
Do I like it?
I don't like standing in here
like an orphan
but I do like
the rain drops beat against
my thick skin.
Each drop is like
a piercing through centuries
of neglect 
of my self
my soul
my wishes
and of my body too.
It hits me hard
to realise the injustice
I have done to myself
of ignoring myself
putting me down
- that is the ultimate 
in humiliation.
I don't want to look back
and I don't want to go back.
It's my time now
and it's my life.