Monday, November 14, 2011

To be a tree

Image: Vladimir Arkhipov from

To be soft in form
and hard in matter;
to be growing to the skies
and rooted in earth;
to be flowering in bloom
and fading without gloom;
Oh, how I love
to be a tree
in eternal embrace with
the wind, the sun and the skies.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

When light(ning) strikes

She was powerless: what could she do

When love struck her all of a sudden

In the dark steps descending into


The light dazzled all of her,

The eyes, the breasts and the loins.

She dropped on to the steps to take

All of that into her being,

Not thinking of age, skin, colour and place!

She became light and lighter…

And she became the Light herself

And took wings into the skies beyond!