Saturday, January 30, 2010


your instincts
animals... overpowering
your breath
pins me down
your eyes
engulf me
I feel upon me
your power
I am in a hypnotic trance
what is it that we share?
I see it vividly in your glare
I am so full of shame
for what I ask of you
you hold me firm in your grip
I am charmed,
I cannot even breathe
when you come near
you just sweep me away
from the worldly stares
no one can even dare
to desire me unaware

Verse: Ravprinderya
Image: Zagarev,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I cannot contain passions
that keep rising inside
but my spirit is choked
by the walls built over centuries of rigidity -
"A woman attracts..and so is the attacker...
of men's fragile control of their bodies"
But I will break free
and let loose all my desires,
and seek my release
in this body and through it.

Verse Colin Lascale
Image snail000

Thursday, January 14, 2010


A pause in the movement
of life,
on planks of deadness
near the flow.
Light fills in
every pore and crevice.
I open up courage
and with it my mind
and body.
No desire to see
what hope holds out
for me.
It's time to float on life.