Friday, October 23, 2009

Yet again

(Last night I wrote this poem on this work by Kalugin, though on this blog it has already been featured. But I couldn't help it. It's one of my favourites for its languorous tone.)

I am ready to give all of me
I have given up all that was not me -
the dead weight of what is expected of me
from centuries and generations.
I hear only the yearning that
pulsates under the soft flesh
I feel only the spirit that
throbs in my veins
I immerse in the warmth
of the fire that burns in
my whole being.
I wait to merge in the
truth of beauty
and lose myself in

Monday, October 19, 2009

Life is not to lay waste..

When fullness is surrounded
by so much
that carries
the signs of glory
and the scars of the gory past,
I know my fate:
Life is not to lay waste
But to offer fullness to whoever
Can fill the emptiness.

image: Walo Thoenen
verse: Colin Lascale

After you are gone...

It's getting dark out there;
a few minutes back
there was bright light.
It's cold and lonely,
Dark and deserted.
it wasn't like that before.
With you was my whole world.
Things change, they say,
for the better.
Well, it has been one blow after another.
Storms raged, trees fell
poles uprooted and lines snapped.
Walls crumble, houses collapse.
I am looking for you -
A groan here, a glimpse there….
get up we will
together or by ourselves
and start all over again.
That's what
I am certain of -
you will be there even after you are gone.