Friday, September 11, 2009


Image by Photon
Verse by Ravprinderya

the ghosts of our past keep haunting me
I wonder if they haunt you as they do me
you seek me everywhere exactly like l wish
all of a sudden you corner me to kiss me
grab from behind and cover every tiny grain
i feel your warmth and smell your fragrance
engulfed by its grip and heady concoction
you take me as always hard and deep
l can hardly breathe forget to think even
what you have in control is a mysterious me
of whom I have no inclination or identity
all you have given me is unwanted cruelty
then why must you steal my tenderness
ls it to mask your innate need of me?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Image by Vladimir Arkhipov
Verse by Ravprinderya
so many times l scream please let me go
but you never do all you do is vanish still
always then to appear when l am all alone
to pull out what is mine and maybe yours
at times you seek me at places never seen
you sense me and find me like a predator
l feel spellbound,powerless and possessed
you feed your hunger as if a monstrosity
l relent mutely when do l have any say
you plunder and wound me in your quest
seldom do l get to respond to your jest
how long will it remain so is what l plead