Thursday, April 13, 2017

Nature's work....3

Neither a crime
nor a sin it shall be
to admire
and appreciate
whether in
body and flesh
or colour and shape
or fragrance and form
or melody and tune.
And if I find myself
I appreciate nature's work
and glory be to the spirit
that lives to link
us all
with the source
of all beauty
- our souls.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Nature's work....2

It's a new morning
tender, fresh and soft
like the rays of the Sun.
The breeze just woke up
the flowers opened up
the birds twitter around
I am transfixed
not wanting to move
to think
to hope
to fear
wanting to be 
just be.
Like the flower
the rays 
the breeze
and do 
Nature's work.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

On my own.....4

After years of grey harshness
brushing against screeching
I came upon this
deep softness within
There everything
spoke softly
caressing my wounds
blowing softly
not making them scream.
All my voices gathered
around me whispering
love kindly
grace forgivingly
beauty adoringly
and then desire
dropped in to 
serve a feast of
dreams on platter
of fantasies.
And here I am
moving to the 
next place of joy.