Thursday, December 29, 2016


It's the time of life
when trees grow
larger than life.
Light thickens
as it descends
into the depths of water.
Every cell in the flesh
comes alive
with throbbing
to unite.
Before passions
can take the throne
the spirits lift 
the veil that cover
the pure gold of 

Monday, December 26, 2016


In the dark forest of desires
I put my foot
but knowing well
I wanted to be
To me it is no sin
to be asking
for fulfilment
of carnality.
If my flesh is
on fire
I want to be
consumed by it
not wanting
wanton destruction
around me.
May the forest flourish
in its dark glory.

Friday, December 23, 2016


They kept boiling 
for lengths of time
inside me
and I couldn't
put my finger on it.
My insides were
bubbling and then
they screamed
and wanted to
step out and take
the world in their arms
not knowing what lay ahead.
Then you stepped up
and we went on a swing
touching skies
and diving deep into
the ocean's treasure
and I was lost
in the explosion of joy.
Nothing now remains
to do except
gather the moments 
like pearls, precious
and shining.
For ever.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Simply to....3

Join me if you want to
breathe freely
and let us keep light
the weight of our expectations
from each other
so that we walk
with the spring in our step
and not the string 
in the other's hand.
And let the words flow
to express joy and
not direction
for where there is 
there follows
on its heels
So let us walk 
and talk the language
of joy and simplicity.

Simply to...2

Feeling alive
simply standing
and smiling
at the beauty of it all.
Life is nothing to gain
nothing to possess
but everything to feel
and everything to love.
To be simple is 
to be accepting of 
nothing that takes
one away from living.
That is the beauty
of simplicity
of the earth
the light
the breeze and the