Saturday, May 31, 2014

In Coldness 4


When I am alone
not a soul in sight
I can speak to the 
floor and the roof
the columns and the beams
the walls and the windows;
they watch everything 
bear everything and 
hear everything I say.
They are at peace
doing their job
come hell or high water
their touch is sure and not
they return everything you give.
Great friends, thank you
for your coldness and warmth
both you gave unreservedly. 

In Coldness 3


Not all is lost
nor can all be ever
lost so long as
I can stand up.
In coldness
have I sought 
support and searched
for a way out.
Dreams burnt down
but the sparks
flew showing the way
breeze came
and that's enough
I can make my way 
when coldness 
spawned boldness. 

In Coldness 2


In despair I am buffeted
dreams peeled off
hopes gone to pieces
unable to see the shape
of things to come
all by myself
deserted by friends and foes alike
with only coldness 
for company.
At least that touch
assures me of
being alive. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

In Coldness 1


All that was imagined
all that was desired
saw the light of construction
in firmness and strength
and then the spirit went out
chipping away pieces 
here and there
and now I stand
in the desertion
of one's own dreams.
In coldness I search
for a ray of hope
on which I can climb
and recover something
of that energy. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

That was then...

Nude 26

That was then...
and now I want to
leave all that behind.
Impetuous and tempestuous
wild and passionate
I had dived headlong
into love and affairs
and paid for it.
The fire still burns
in my loins
and no regrets
nor shame.
But now life
is my passion
and let each day
bring forth
the birth of a new