Wednesday, April 28, 2010

you caught...

You caught me
revealing my secret...

Not that I live by my
nor that I rejoice
in God's gift
of this body,
nor even that
I offer all of me
at the altar;

but that the fire
that burns deep inside
me seals my lips
and speaks through
my eyes.

Verse by Aliashesh Image by J Andrieu

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I am lonely but not alone

you love to chase, I'm no game

my heart is not made of stone

I am not a bait nor am I so lame

i never did believe your vows

you did fool me a lot as usual

I opened my soul to yours

and you did hurt me still

Verse by Ravprinderya

Image from

Saturday, April 24, 2010


my heat to burn in your loin

your lust to keep me simmering

my love to invigorate you

embalm you and enchant you

your ecstasy to rush us through

my need of you to want me

we both seek it too

when the gods have blessed us

can mere man fight that too?

Verse: Ravprinderya
Image: Ludovic Goubet

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thinker Tinker

What could we do
but admire
Nature's beauty
in the sculpture
of your body?
Yes, centuries later
we realise
you Think
with your whole body
and when you do
you discover the power
to rule
the world of men
and ideas.
You are the thinker
who can tinker.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The world of men
is too small
to offer
my vastness.
I offer them
my reflection
to play with.
My clay was sculpted
in distant lands
they live by
the fire of passions.